Medical clinics
Laboratorium Klinik Prodia
Prodia is a national pathology services chain with shop front facilities in many of Indonesian cities, professional operation with a wide range of services.
Mataram Public Hospital
The islands and the province's main public hospital with UGD Unit Gawat Darurat-Emergency treatment room, ICU and OR facilities, laboratorium, Specialist consulting rooms. Caters to the needs of the general population. Rudimentary services, rooms and care is commensurate with an underdeveloped country.
Rumah Sakit Risa
Hospital with UGD Unit Gawat Darurat-Emergency treatment room, private and VIP patient rooms, ICU and OR facilities, laboratorium, specialist consulting rooms including Internist, opthamologist, obstetrician, dentist. Professional treatment and reasonably comfortable accommodations.
Rumah Sakit Polda
Polyclinic and general hospital open to the public for treatment and admissions, also available general medicine, midwife, medi-legal services, counselling, and psychological services. The hospital is also the site of the Police Polda forensic pathology unit.
Payment guarantee
Please note many hospital service providers may demand a guarantee of payment before rendering treatment even in an obvious and clear emergency. incremental payments may also be demanded for individual services including the supply of professional services such as laboratory services, pharmacuticals and medical consumables. travel insurance providers are sometimes very slow to provide these payment guarantees and may demand extensive documentation of costs and full receipts or they may later decline payment or reimbursement or delay these payments for an extended time. diagnosis may also be disputed by travel insurers and treatment or admission authorisations delayed for extended times whilst they deliberate over authorising treatment and payment guarantees.
emergency service
â +62 370 623489In emergency â 118The reality is that unless within the confines of Mataram/Ampenan/Cakranegara an ambulance is normally too far away to provide prompt transport in the case of a true emergency. Most often a taxi, police vehicle or a private car is used to get someone requiring urgent medical attention to a hospital. The ambulances in Lombok are more often used in the role of assisted patient transport rather than for first responder/paramedic supported emergency assistance and transport.
International SOS Medika KlinikBali:24 hr Emergencies: It will be necessary to call either Jakarta or Bali to seek assistance from SOS Medika. â+62 361 710505, Clinic: +62 361 720100Jakarta: 24 hr emergencies: â +62 21 7506001. SOS Medika provide professional medical treatment, referral and emergency management including air rescue services, they are situated in both Bali and Jakarta.